Mandatory internship is included in the UTC Common Core curriculum:
Bac + 1 / Bac + 2: technical internship and cultural discovery internship (4 weeks: January-February or July-August): the aim is to give you some professional experience and skills either in France or abroad, a first opportunity to put some of what you've learned at UTC into practice, and to help you think about your future career plans. The internship can involve a variety of types of work, but an active participation in the workplace is a requirement.
The internships are intended to help you acquire the skills needed for:
doing a job search,
integrating into a new professional context,
harnessing knowledge and know-how acquired at UTC in the service of the host organization,
carrying out independently and with the requisite level of responsibility the tasks for which you are qualified ,
competently characterizing, both in writing and orally, tasks carried out, results obtained and new skills acquired.
The objectives of the technical internship set by the university are as follows:
Acquire a first professional experience in a company in France or abroad,
Understand the organization and operation of the various instances and departments of the company,
Discover the profession of operator or performer and the relationships between the different hierarchical levels of the company,
Refine your professional project,
The objectives of the cultural discovery internship set by the university are as follows:
Become familiar with the culture and living conditions of a foreign country,
Practice a foreign language: either the language of the country, provided it is taught at UTC (level B2 recommended), or English by default, or French for foreign students,
Knowing how to observe, analyze and understand the manifestations of intercultural differences,
Do research (reading, interviews, internet, etc.) in order to obtain insights into mentalities, institutions, socio-economic and political realities,
Questioning your own cultural schema,
Better understand the international professional environment and the management of multicultural projects that the engineer will have to manage,
Mandatory internships at two different levels are included in the UTC during Engineering majors curriculum, each with two alternative periods:
Bac + 4: 4th-year assistant engineering internship
(24-26 weeks: February-July or September-February).
To provide professional experience and relevant skills, to show you what it is to work as an engineer putting into practice knowledge acquired at UTC, and to help you clarify career plans.
Bac + 5: 5th-year final project before diplomation
(24-26 weeks: February-July or September-February).
To enable you to apply knowledge acquired during your studies in a professional engineering context. This final internship involves taking personal responsibility in a specific area corresponding to your elective major.
The internships are intended to help you acquire the skills needed for:
doing a job search,
integrating into a new professional context,
harnessing knowledge and know-how acquired at UTC in the service of the host organization,
carrying out independently and with the requisite level of responsibility the tasks for which you are qualified ,
competently characterizing, both in writing and orally, tasks carried out, results obtained and new skills acquired.
The professional license Maintenance and technology - multi-technical systems aims to train high-level technicians, operational and able to ensure the operational safety of industrial equipment at the lowest cost.
The training is offered in initial and in apprenticeship.
General skills:
- Design solutions for improving operational safety;
- Define and implement advanced maintenance techniques;
- Pilot maintenance actions;
- Communicate with the various partners.
- Train high-level technicians, operational and capable of ensuring the operational safety of industrial equipment at a lower cost;
- Provide intermediate skills between those of technician and engineer in order to prepare for the jobs of maintenance service managers.
The student must complete an end-of-study project at the end of his course in the second year of the master. Depending on his profile and his professional project, he can carry out this project in one of the research laboratories of UTC or of its partners, in a research laboratory of another establishment or within a company.
He can participate in the personal research of his internship by respecting the rules defined by those responsible for mentions and courses: deadlines, research abroad.
At the same time, he can apply for internships received directly by the UTC master's team and validated by the educational managers who are offered to him on the student portal Each internship is subject to an internship agreement.
A compulsory end-of-study internship during the master's degree is to be carried out.
Bac + 5: Master's end-of-study project, lasting between 22 and 26 weeks: from February to July). Its objective is to allow the student to apply the knowledge acquired during his studies for the exercise of his trade. The student must thus assume personal responsibility on a specific subject corresponding to the course chosen.
The general skills targeted are:
- Be able to carry out a job search,
- Being able to integrate into a new professional context,
- Be able to mobilize the knowledge and know-how acquired in training to bring added value to the host organization,
- Be able to carry out, independently and with the required level of responsibility, activities within his field of competence,
- Being able to value the activities carried out, the results obtained and the new skills acquired both in writing and orally.
Accessible in mechanics and computer science, the engineering training by apprenticeship at UTC makes it possible to reconcile practice with the acquisition of business skills and theory, by preparing for the engineering diploma of our school. This training allows for gradual integration into the company during the first year, then autonomy in the second year and finally a real engineer function during the last year of the contract.
The UTC has set up the engineering training by apprenticeship over the last three years of its course in five years (according to the recommendations of the Commission of the titles of the engineer), corresponding to the engineering cycle itself, and this in Mechanical and IT specialties.
Apprenticeship at UTC is:
- excellent training provided by teacher-researchers at UTC,
- 3 years of professional experience aimed at the engineering profession,
- a global vision of the profession through immersion in business and the support of human and social sciences teaching,
- an essential international dimension preparing engineers to evolve in an intercultural professional context.
The recruitment of engineering students by apprenticeship is identical to that of any engineering students at UTC. Thus, the diploma obtained by the apprentice at the end of the training is the same for all UTC students.
For the apprentice
The apprentice, on the strength of this experience, acquires proven added value for the company and takes a head start in terms of professional integration. The numerous exchanges between the company and the UTC constitute a real resourcing for the training of engineers and participate in the dynamics of educational innovation dear to the establishment.
For the company
Recruiting an apprentice engineer is an opportunity for the company, in a logic of anticipation and skills management, to train a young person in his know-how, his culture and his values. It is also a new and changing perspective to support the projects and changes of the company.
Internships in formal training
Majors open for Common Core
Internships will take place from June 30, 2025 to July 25, 2025
Cultural discovery internship
Majors open for Engineering majors
Internships will take place from February 10, 2025 to July 25, 2025
General skills:
- Manage projects in research, development and production environments for bioproducts and equipment
- Know how to make a technical, organizational and economic analysis of a project
- Identify and anticipate the necessary skills and resources
- Know how to define the phases
- Know how to make decisions and analyze risks
- Innovate and challenge existing solutions in imposed economic, ethical and regulatory contexts
- Design and size processing facilities
- Prioritize technical information, regulatory and competitive information in order to demonstrate the usefulness of a method or industrial equipment implemented in the context of the project.
- Use/apply the concepts, tools and quality methods to be implemented in order to comply with the regulations in force
- Control quality in design and production, including the risks and related economic aspects
- Implement a scientific and technological watch to maintain knowledge and know-how and fuel innovation
- Access knowledge
- Formalize and communicate knowledge
- Detect the relevance and interest of new knowledge
- Take into account industrial, professional, socio-economic and environmental issues
- Use the fundamental knowledge necessary for the design and implementation of scientific and technological solutions in an industrial problem
- Define and understand the main biological mechanisms: macromolecules, physiology, cellular, molecular, ...
- Acquire the basic concepts/a technological culture on the disciplines/material/science complementary to the biotechnological and biomedical fields: mechanics, material, sensor, electronics
- Implement modern means of analyzing biological processes in a highly evolving context
- Analyze the main biological mechanisms: macromolecules, cellular/biochemical biology, physiological.
- Design means of analysis and/or transformation
- Understand and know how to apply physical, IT and statistics in the implementation of process analysis
- Practice in a globalized industrial context
- Carrying out a stay abroad as part of an internship
- Participate in an international project or internship
- Analyze complex processes in problem solving and design of bioproducts and equipment
- Analyze the main biological mechanisms: macromolecules, cellular/biochemical biology, physiological
- Make a choice of materials or equipment for the optimization of an analysis or manufacturing process
- Identify techniques and processes
- Design and implement techniques and processes
- Analyze techniques and processes
- Propose and apply innovative processes for the design of bioproducts and equipment
- Integrate concepts from biological engineering and process engineering;
- Implement a quality, health and safety policy;
- Capitalize on a wide field of basic knowledge allowing downstream management of the processing chain.
- Execute procedures related to issues of quality, regulations, standards and risk analysis in bioengineering
- Assess the risks, characterize them and propose solutions to control them apply a risk analysis method
- Identify quality tools and regulatory requirements and standards
- Apply regulations associated with products and their production
- Implement a quality, health and safety policy
Specialties for Biological Engineering major:
- Biomatériaux et Biomécanique (BB)
- Analyze and develop materials and biomaterials for medical devices or tissue engineering
- Design, improve and develop innovative medical devices in an industrial context aware of the societal and environmental challenges of life technologies
- Plan, build and appraise medical devices, master specific techniques and anticipate problems and malfunctions
- Biomédical (BM)
- Analyze and process biomedical information (signals and images) using appropriate mathematical tools
- Create IT projects by mastering languages and software for medical equipment and instrumentation
- Analyze/evaluate/create a medical device based on a biomedical instrumental chain
- Conception et Innovation de Bioproduits (CIB)
- Develop biotechnological products in metabolic, genetic, protein or tissue engineering
- Master specific equipment and anticipate problems and malfunctions in the context of complex industrial biotechnological processes
- Understand and control the risks inherent in biotechnological processes and products by taking into account the constraints of the process, quality and the regulations in force
- Innovate in an industrial context aware of the societal and environmental challenges of life technologies
- Innovation Aliments et Agroressources (IAA)
- Analyze a problem in the field of food sciences and/or agro resources and set up an innovative approach to resolution
- Mastering product and equipment development processes in the agri-food and/or agro-resources industry
- Assess the risks and apply the regulations associated with products and their production in the field of agri-food and agro-resources
- Filière libre (LIBR)
- Management des projets innovants (MPI)
- Act as a creator of value in an enlarged company
- Design and implement an innovation strategy, particularly in project mode
- Manage a multidisciplinary and multicultural team
Urban systems engineering
General skills:
- Designing developments at different scales (territory, city, building)
- Master the conceptual, technological and operational dimensions of a project;
- Know how to apply the regulations related to construction rights, town planning and the environment;
- Know how to identify and take into account societal, technological and environmental issues;
- Know how to implement a systemic, multidisciplinary and multi-scale approach;
- Take into account and assess the initial state of a territory upstream of a development project;
- Evaluate the environmental, societal and economic impact of a project on a territory;
- Master and implement the different phases of a development or construction project;
- Identify, integrate and coordinate all stakeholders at all stages of a project.
- Master the principles of modeling at the scale of the city, the territory and the building
- Know how to model the functioning of the different urban and construction systems and size them;
- Know how to mobilize mathematical, statistical, numerical and applied physics tools for dimensioning and modelling;
- Propose technological solutions to problems related to land use planning, the evolution of urban life, and building projects from a sustainable development perspective
- Master the technological, societal, operational and economic problems of the city and buildings;
- Propose innovative solutions to technological and societal, operational and economic problems of the city and buildings.
- Master digital tools for design, analysis, management, simulation and decision support.
- Apply design and management tools adapted to territories and buildings;
- Use analysis tools adapted to the scale of intervention;
- Use simulation and decision support tools to support a planning bias.
- Lead projects
- Know how to make a technical, organizational and economic analysis of the implementation of the project and the tests;
- Identify and anticipate the necessary skills and resources;
- Define the phases of a project and develop the specifications;
- Know how to make decisions and analyze risks;
- Know how to communicate on projects and adapt to the target audience.
- Managing and working in a team
- Organize and coordinate phases and teamwork;
- Combine technical skills with communication and management skills to manage teams and projects;
- Know how to evaluate performance;
- Estimate the operating and equipment costs of projects;
- Inform and communicate information and data.
- Mobilize knowledge and data for the project
- Know how to target the necessary information and data;
- Know how to mobilize information;
- Know how to do technological watch;
- Organize and structure information.
Specialties for Urban systems engineering major:
- Aménagement Mobilité Transport (AMT)
- Bâtiment (BAT)
- Filière libre (LIBR)
- Management des projets innovants (MPI)
- Act as a creator of value in an enlarged company
- Design and implement an innovation strategy, particularly in project mode
- Manage a multidisciplinary and multicultural team
Industrial Process engineering
General skills:
- Design a process for transforming matter and energy and size it using engineering tools and methods
- Choose the operations, make the PFD and PID diagrams;
- Establish material and energy balances;
- Dimension new and/or existing equipment using engineering methods and process modeling, regulation and simulation tools.
- Design a test facility and protocol
- Take into account and explain the request of the sponsor, carry out a pre-study, establish and manage specifications;
- Establish the test protocol and validate the conformity of the product;
- Define the specifications and conduct the processes.
- Anticipating and prefiguring the methods of industrialization
- Carry out arbitrations (technical and economic);
- Design the documentation of the product, the process and draw up the technical file for the installation and compliance with the standards and regulations in force.
- Manage production and performance
- Manage the process and flows and organize (means, deadlines, budget);
- Analyze and monitor activity parameters, yields and environmental impact; Analyze costs, propose and implement improvements and/or innovations, manage the maintenance of existing equipment;
- Evaluate the profitability of the modification or of the assembly.
- Lead projects
- Know-how in a technical, organizational and economic analysis of the implementation of the project and the tests;
- Identify and anticipate the necessary skills and resources;
- Know how to define the phases and draw up the specifications;
- Know how to make decisions and analyze risks
- Managing and working in a team
- Organize and coordinate phases and teamwork;
- Combine technical skills with communication and management skills to manage teams and projects;
- Know how to evaluate performance;
- Estimate the operating and equipment costs of projects;
- Inform and communicate information and data
- Keep a technological watch and capitalize on knowledge
- Access to knowledge;
- Formalize and communicate knowledge;
- Detect the relevance and interest of new knowledge.
- Define and implement a quality, health and safety policy
- Collect data, know how to measure and control quality;
- Develop the culture of quality in the company;
- Manage risks and develop a culture of safety, for product quality through process control.
- Take charge of risk management, safety and environmental issues
- Analyze and monitor activity parameters, yields and environmental impact;
- Manage risks and develop the culture of safety.
- Capitalize on a wide range of basic knowledge to understand and deal with a new situation or a change
- Identify and implement the concepts and reasoning applicable to a given problem;
- Identify and use modeling tools to adapt them to the problem posed.
Specialties for Industrial Process engineering major:
- Efficacité Énergétique et Énergies Renouvelables (3ER)
- Bioprocédés Ressources Renouvelables (B2R)
- Eco-conception et Sécurité des procédés (EcoS)
- Filière libre (LIBR)
- Management des projets innovants (MPI)
- Act as a creator of value in an enlarged company
- Design and implement an innovation strategy, particularly in project mode
- Manage a multidisciplinary and multicultural team
- Procédés Pharmaceutiques et Cosmétiques (PPC)
- Technologies de l'Environnement et de la Sécurité (TES)
Computer sciences and engineering
General skills:
- Design and develop software and ensure its operation, maintenance and evolution
- Design and develop software (NF16, LO21, SR01, NF11)
- Ensure reliability and software quality (FQ01, LO21, LO22, NF11)
- Propose effective and innovative IT solutions after analyzing the needs of the company
- Carry out a technological watch and propose solutions in the face of identified needs for a company (LO23, LO18, TN10)
- Design, develop and evaluate a prototype (LO21, LO23, TN09)
- Develop and design IT architectures and solutions for information systems
- Develop dynamic and/or distributed information systems using advanced web technologies (SR03, SR05, IA04)
- Design and deploy computer system hardware architectures (MI01, SY31)
- Design and deploy computer system software architectures IA04, SR02, SR05
- Design interfaces for human-machine communication RV01, LO18
- Design networked computer systems and ensure their configuration, administration and security
- Ensure the configuration of networked computer systems SR03, SR04
- Administer these systems SR04, SY26
- Securing these systems SR04, SR06
- Represent, process and store knowledge and digital content
- Model, represent and capitalize knowledge (IA01, IA02, IA03)
- Structure, archive and manage digital content (NF16, NF17, NF29)
- Organize and design a data warehouse (NF17, NF26)
- Analyze and process mass data (SY09, SY19, LO17)
- Lead large-scale IT projects, possibly in an intercultural and multi-team context
- Define the phases, carry out a needs analysis, draw up specifications and ensure the implementation of the project and the tests (LO18, LO23, GE37, TN10)
- Know how to make decisions and analyze risks (LO23, GE37, LO22, FQ01)
- Analyze and control dynamic autonomous systems
- Model discrete event systems (SY08, SY14)
- Controlling state-based systems (SY14, SY31)
- Use mathematical modeling to solve engineering problems
- Use deterministic mathematical modeling (MT09, MT10, MT12, SY06)
- Use stochastic mathematical modeling (RO05, SY02, BI01, RO04, SY09)
- Solve optimization problems (NF16, RO03, RO04, RO05)
Specialties for Computer sciences and engineering major:
- Intelligence Artificielle et Science des Données (IAD)
- Informatique embarquée et systèmes autonomes (INES)
- Ingénierie des systèmes informatiques (ISI)
- Filière libre (LIBR)
- Management des projets innovants (MPI)
- Act as a creator of value in an enlarged company
- Design and implement an innovation strategy, particularly in project mode
- Manage a multidisciplinary and multicultural team
Mechanical engineering sciences
General skills:
- Design and prototype a complex product or system
- Analyze a need (sponsor);
- Transcribe the specificities / write specifications
- Carry out a pre-study;
- Define a solution;
- Make a prototype (or have it made).
- Sizing and validating the performance of a product or protocol
- Carry out or implement sizing studies, using computer tools and specialized software as needed;
- Define the stages or/and the means of validation of the specifications;
- Analyze usage and construction constraints.
- Specify and define the industrialization methods
- Make industrial choices or participate in them (technological/economic arbitration, implementation of the industrial tool, ranges and operating times);
- Define the technical documentation;
- Develop the industrialization / standards file.
- Managing a production system and industrial performance
- Know and/or know how to manage a process;
- Manage industrial choices (steering and organization of flows);
- Define performance indicators (parameters);
- Implement the monitoring of indicators and activities.
- Lead projects
- Know how to make a technical, organizational and economic analysis of a project;
- Identify and anticipate the necessary skills and resources;
- Know how to define the phases;
- Know how to make decisions and analyze risks.
- Managing and working in a team
- Organize and coordinate phases and teamwork;
- Combine technical skills with communication and management skills to manage teams and projects;
- Know how to evaluate performance;
- Estimate the operating and equipment costs of projects;
- Inform and communicate information and data.
- Keep a technological watch and capitalize on knowledge
- Access to knowledge;
- Formalize and communicate knowledge;
- Detect the relevance and interest of new knowledge.
- Define and implement a quality and continuous improvement policy
- Know how to collect data;
- Measure and define data quality;
- Know how to question existing solutions and propose innovative solutions for substitution or improvement;
- Define and implement a continuous improvement policy.
Specialties for Mechanical engineering sciences major:
- Acoustique et Vibrations pour l'Ingénieur (AVI)
- The Acoustics and vibration for engineers (AVI) course is oriented towards improving the sound environment and taking vibrations into account in a silent and sustainable design approach.
- Conception Mécanique Intégrée (CMI)
- Analyze, model and design a mechanical system and its behavior
- Integrate sensors, actuators and controls when designing complex systems
- Integrate and manage business expertise for the collaborative design of complex systems during its life cycle
- Données et Fiabilité pour l'Industrie (DFI)
- The Data and Reliability for Industry (DFI) course provides the knowledge necessary to exploit massive data (products/processes) for understanding and solving the problems posed by industrial systems in design and production.
- Ingénierie du Design Industriel (IDI)
- Design products taking into account technical, economic, ergonomic and aesthetic factors
- Know how to communicate a concept or a design project through drawing and modeling techniques
- Integrate design as an axis of innovation in the design of a product or service
- Filière libre (LIBR)
- Mécatronique, Actionneurs, Robotisation et Systèmes (MARS)
- Integrate analog, digital and power electronics functions
- Understand and master electrical machines and their interactions with power electronics to model and size the control of a mechatronic system
- Intervene in the design or maintenance of an automated or robotic system
- Matériaux et Innovation Technologique (MIT)
- Understand the mechanical properties of materials in relation to their microstructure
- Solve the main problems related to the use and implementation of industrial materials, and find technical solutions to the different modes of degradation of materials
- Master the criteria for choosing materials (technical and economic) to design innovative products.
- Management des projets innovants (MPI)
- Act as a creator of value in an enlarged company
- Design and implement an innovation strategy, particularly in project mode
- Manage a multidisciplinary and multicultural team
- Production Intégrée et Logistique (PIL)
- The Integrated Production and Logistics (PIL) course trains engineers capable of industrializing manufactured products and designing/managing/piloting production systems and the related supply chain.
- Simulation pour l'ingénierie mécanique (SIM)
- Propose efficient and accurate numerical modeling necessary to analyze a complex system
- Numerically simulate and optimize the multi-physics behavior of a system
- Know how to integrate digital simulation into the design process
Majors open for Vocational academic programs ("licenses professionnelles")
Internships will take place from February 24, 2025 to June 06, 2025
Maintenance of multi-technical systems
Programmes open for Master programs
Internships will take place from February 03, 2025 to August 31, 2025
Telephone: 03 44 23 73 23
Telephone: 03 44 23 79 53
General skills:
- Ability to integrate into an organization, to animate it and to make it evolve: commitment and leadership, project management, project management, communication with specialists as well as non-specialists.
- Consideration of industrial, economic and professional issues: competitiveness, productivity, innovation, intellectual and industrial property, compliance with procedures, quality, safety, integration of sustainable development into innovative technologies.
- Ability to work in an international context: mastery of one or more foreign languages, security, economic intelligence, cultural openness, international experience. Respect for societal values: knowledge of social relations, environment and constantly adapting to new technologies and different projects.
- Ability to mobilize the resources of a wide field of fundamental sciences.
- Mastery of the methods and tools required in research and development: identification and resolution of problems, collection and interpretation of data, use of computer tools, analysis and design of complex systems, experimentation.
- Design the themes and methods of experimentation.
- Design and adapt the material to the research work.
- Interpret the results of experiments (analysis, trials, tests).
- Look for a theoretical explanation of the experimental facts.
- Write scientific publications (dissertations, scientific articles, etc.).
- Propose lines of research.
- Overall coordination and management of a study project.
- Constantly adapting to new technologies and different projects.
- Analyze and synthesize technical and organizational information.
- Comply with rigorous methodological processes.
- Monitor and supervise the production process, ensuring compliance with the specifications.
- Propose process and product improvements.
Programmes for Chemistry major:
- Biotechnologie des ressources naturelles (BIOTECH)
- Master the theoretical bases of biology, chemistry and physico-chemistry to explain the behavior of biological systems.
- Develop technological tools to study biological systems.
- Apply this knowledge to the valorization of biomolecules from agroresources.
- Génie des produits formulés (GPF)
- Ability to mobilize theoretical knowledge of the physico-chemistry of dispersed media, namely to characterize each of the elements of a formula and to choose the processes for developing the formulated products.
- Ability to formulate innovative products to give them the desired usage properties.
- Ability to determine application technologies suitable for formulated products.
- Ability to apply this knowledge to the valorization of biomolecules from agro-resources
- Procédés de valorisation des ressources renouvelables (PV2R)
- Ability to master the physical, chemical and biological bases of the transformation of agro-resources and other renewable resources;
- Skills necessary for the design, evaluation and development of environmentally friendly transformation processes based on green and safe processes (consuming less raw materials and energy, generating minimum waste and effluents) .
European Master in Sustainable System Engineering
Programmes for European Master in Sustainable System Engineering major:
- Systèmes Avancés de Fabrication (AMS)
- Apprentissage et Optimisation des Systèmes (AOS)
- Ingénierie des Systèmes de Systèmes (SoSE)
Humanities and creative industries
General skills:
- be able to integrate into a professional context
- be able to mobilize the knowledge and know-how acquired in training to bring added value to the host organization
- be open to the business culture in which you operate
- conduct research on instrumented cognitive activities (lived experience, emotional communication and interaction, collaborative work)
- ensure the management of an innovative project
- discuss and guide design projects
- manage the technical aspects of the interaction: design, HMI, cognitive technologies, etc.
- manage human aspects: process analysis, cognitive ergonomics, organizational sociology, usability, etc.
- know how to design prototypes and write documentation
- know how to present a project in public
- know how to argue your choices during meetings
Programmes for Humanities and creative industries major:
- Design et création d'expérience (DCX)
- know how to apply specific UX methodologies in a context of ideation, design, and/or evaluation of uses
- know how to implement observation and maintenance methods
- know how to implement practices for creating visual forms, interface design and interaction design
- Design centré utilisateur (UXD)
- know how to apply specific UX methodologies in a context of ideation, design, and/or evaluation of uses
- know how to implement observation and maintenance methods
- be able to test hypotheses in an experimental context
General skills:
- Understand your work environment
Monitor, analyze and interpret in a coherent manner the needs, the socio-economic, scientific and societal issues and the interactions between actors, knowledge, technologies and organizations in the health sector
- Master the biomedical, technical, organizational or regulatory and normative systems
Define, validate, advise, implement and manage innovative, technological or organizational systems through technological, normative and competitive monitoring and the implementation of best practices from the state of the art; Design, define, validate, advise, implement, write, audit and manage regulatory compliance programs on the life cycle of medical devices, combining continuous improvement, innovation and risk management
- Manage a team, lead a project
Lead and motivate a team, manage a budget, plan and prioritize actions, contribute to decision-making processes and communicate both at the institutional level and via intercultural, interdisciplinary, intergenerational and international networks. Plan and allocate human, financial and technical resources to achieve previously defined objectives in a constrained environment.
- Communicate, mobilize and convince on innovative results and practices
Communicate on scientific, technological or organizational innovations in terms of efficiency, performance or economy; contribute to the development and continuous improvement of knowledge and practices; contribute to technological and organizational innovation in a dynamic of ethical and ecological responsibility in the service of users of health technologies and in particular for the quality and safety of care delivered to patients; be able to guide the management of a company towards the right strategic decisions.
Programmes for Health engineering major:
- Dispositifs médicaux et affaires réglementaires (DMAR)
- Interpret and respond to regulatory requirements and changes for the marketing of medical devices by integrating the actors and institutions involved in the decision-making processes
- Define, implement and evaluate the quality policy and risk management;
- Manage and evaluate compliance control and continuous improvement programs throughout the life cycle of medical devices (MD), with a view to their approval, certification or CE marking.
- Technologies biomédicales et territoires de santé (TBTS)
- Understand the transformations of the complex ecosystem linked to health and integrate the different links between technologies and organizations by taking into account the social and environmental dimensions.
- Mobilize their knowledge to understand a technical problem, appropriate a technology or carry out a complex study, then propose technical and organizational solutions that are adapted and/or innovative in compliance with the regulations;
- Facilitate the introduction and appropriation of new health technologies by promoting the dynamics of interaction, creativity, cooperation and continuous improvement and by being attentive to feedback from users and the development of good practices .
Engineering complex systems
General skills:
- Design complex technological systems, characterize and understand interacting autonomous technological systems, develop methods and algorithms for intelligent information processing
- Mastering communicating cooperative systems, managing exchanges and interactions between systems, evaluating and analyzing the operational safety of complex systems,
- Integrating and dealing with uncertainties in complex systems
- Design robust systems
- Define the means, methods and techniques for promoting and implementing research results,
- Supervise and coordinate a project, a team.
- Write research projects
- Present and communicate in English around research or applied work
- Conduct tests and experiments and analyze experimental data
Programmes for Engineering complex systems major:
- Apprentissage et optimisation des systèmes complexes (AOS)
- Be able to process uncertain or incomplete data
- Develop methods and algorithms for optimizing complex systems,
- Mastering market tools for intelligent data processing
- Automatique, robotique et systèmes intelligents (ARS)
- Model and design real-time linear and non-linear controls for robotic systems (land and air)
- Design and implement real-time estimation methods for the autonomous navigation of mobile robots, for example, for localization, mapping or object detection and tracking issues
- Implement statistical learning methods (deep learning, supervised learning, reinforcement learning) especially for robotics applications
- Biomécanique et bioingénierie (BMI)
- Structures et systèmes mécaniques complexes (SMC)
- Conduct numerical simulations
- Develop numerical simulation/modeling codes/components
- Model a system/structure in solid or fluid mechanics
- Model behavior laws of complex materials
- Optimizing a mechanical system/structure
- Systèmes mécatroniques (SMT)
- Design, analyze and model a mechatronic system and its behavior
- Integrate actuation, measurement and on-board power supply functions into a mechatronic system
- Set up and optimize the control of complex mechatronic systems
Formations for apprenticeship
Majors open for Engineering majors by apprenticeship
Apprenticeships will take place from September 01, 2025 to August 31, 2028
Industrial Process engineering
General skills:
- Design a process for transforming matter and energy and size it using engineering tools and methods
- Choose the operations, make the PFD and PID diagrams;
- Establish material and energy balances;
- Dimension new and/or existing equipment using engineering methods and process modeling, regulation and simulation tools.
- Design a test facility and protocol
- Take into account and explain the request of the sponsor, carry out a pre-study, establish and manage specifications;
- Establish the test protocol and validate the conformity of the product;
- Define the specifications and conduct the processes.
- Anticipating and prefiguring the methods of industrialization
- Carry out arbitrations (technical and economic);
- Design the documentation of the product, the process and draw up the technical file for the installation and compliance with the standards and regulations in force.
- Manage production and performance
- Manage the process and flows and organize (means, deadlines, budget);
- Analyze and monitor activity parameters, yields and environmental impact; Analyze costs, propose and implement improvements and/or innovations, manage the maintenance of existing equipment;
- Evaluate the profitability of the modification or of the assembly.
- Lead projects
- Know-how in a technical, organizational and economic analysis of the implementation of the project and the tests;
- Identify and anticipate the necessary skills and resources;
- Know how to define the phases and draw up the specifications;
- Know how to make decisions and analyze risks
- Managing and working in a team
- Organize and coordinate phases and teamwork;
- Combine technical skills with communication and management skills to manage teams and projects;
- Know how to evaluate performance;
- Estimate the operating and equipment costs of projects;
- Inform and communicate information and data
- Keep a technological watch and capitalize on knowledge
- Access to knowledge;
- Formalize and communicate knowledge;
- Detect the relevance and interest of new knowledge.
- Define and implement a quality, health and safety policy
- Collect data, know how to measure and control quality;
- Develop the culture of quality in the company;
- Manage risks and develop a culture of safety, for product quality through process control.
- Take charge of risk management, safety and environmental issues
- Analyze and monitor activity parameters, yields and environmental impact;
- Manage risks and develop the culture of safety.
- Capitalize on a wide range of basic knowledge to understand and deal with a new situation or a change
- Identify and implement the concepts and reasoning applicable to a given problem;
- Identify and use modeling tools to adapt them to the problem posed.
Specialties for Industrial Process engineering by apprenticeship major:
- Filière libre (LIBR)
- Procédés Pharmaceutiques et Cosmétiques (PPC)
Computer sciences and engineering
General skills:
- Design and develop software and ensure its operation, maintenance and evolution
- Design and develop software (NF16, LO21, SR01, NF11)
- Ensure reliability and software quality (FQ01, LO21, LO22, NF11)
- Propose effective and innovative IT solutions after analyzing the needs of the company
- Carry out a technological watch and propose solutions in the face of identified needs for a company (LO23, LO18, TN10)
- Design, develop and evaluate a prototype (LO21, LO23, TN09)
- Develop and design IT architectures and solutions for information systems
- Develop dynamic and/or distributed information systems using advanced web technologies (SR03, SR05, IA04)
- Design and deploy computer system hardware architectures (MI01, SY31)
- Design and deploy computer system software architectures IA04, SR02, SR05
- Design interfaces for human-machine communication RV01, LO18
- Design networked computer systems and ensure their configuration, administration and security
- Ensure the configuration of networked computer systems SR03, SR04
- Administer these systems SR04, SY26
- Securing these systems SR04, SR06
- Represent, process and store knowledge and digital content
- Model, represent and capitalize knowledge (IA01, IA02, IA03)
- Structure, archive and manage digital content (NF16, NF17, NF29)
- Organize and design a data warehouse (NF17, NF26)
- Analyze and process mass data (SY09, SY19, LO17)
- Lead large-scale IT projects, possibly in an intercultural and multi-team context
- Define the phases, carry out a needs analysis, draw up specifications and ensure the implementation of the project and the tests (LO18, LO23, GE37, TN10)
- Know how to make decisions and analyze risks (LO23, GE37, LO22, FQ01)
- Analyze and control dynamic autonomous systems
- Model discrete event systems (SY08, SY14)
- Controlling state-based systems (SY14, SY31)
- Use mathematical modeling to solve engineering problems
- Use deterministic mathematical modeling (MT09, MT10, MT12, SY06)
- Use stochastic mathematical modeling (RO05, SY02, BI01, RO04, SY09)
- Solve optimization problems (NF16, RO03, RO04, RO05)
Specialties for Computer sciences and engineering by apprenticeship major:
- Intelligence Artificielle et Science des Données (IAD)
- Informatique embarquée et systèmes autonomes (INES)
- Ingénierie des systèmes informatiques (ISI)
- Filière libre (LIBR)
Mechanical engineering sciences
General skills:
- Design and prototype a complex product or system
- Analyze a need (sponsor);
- Transcribe the specificities / write specifications
- Carry out a pre-study;
- Define a solution;
- Make a prototype (or have it made).
- Sizing and validating the performance of a product or protocol
- Carry out or implement sizing studies, using computer tools and specialized software as needed;
- Define the stages or/and the means of validation of the specifications;
- Analyze usage and construction constraints.
- Specify and define the industrialization methods
- Make industrial choices or participate in them (technological/economic arbitration, implementation of the industrial tool, ranges and operating times);
- Define the technical documentation;
- Develop the industrialization / standards file.
- Managing a production system and industrial performance
- Know and/or know how to manage a process;
- Manage industrial choices (steering and organization of flows);
- Define performance indicators (parameters);
- Implement the monitoring of indicators and activities.
- Lead projects
- Know how to make a technical, organizational and economic analysis of a project;
- Identify and anticipate the necessary skills and resources;
- Know how to define the phases;
- Know how to make decisions and analyze risks.
- Managing and working in a team
- Organize and coordinate phases and teamwork;
- Combine technical skills with communication and management skills to manage teams and projects;
- Know how to evaluate performance;
- Estimate the operating and equipment costs of projects;
- Inform and communicate information and data.
- Keep a technological watch and capitalize on knowledge
- Access to knowledge;
- Formalize and communicate knowledge;
- Detect the relevance and interest of new knowledge.
- Define and implement a quality and continuous improvement policy
- Know how to collect data;
- Measure and define data quality;
- Know how to question existing solutions and propose innovative solutions for substitution or improvement;
- Define and implement a continuous improvement policy.
Specialties for Mechanical engineering sciences by apprenticeship major:
- Acoustique et Vibrations pour l'Ingénieur (AVI)
- The Acoustics and vibration for engineers (AVI) course is oriented towards improving the sound environment and taking vibrations into account in a silent and sustainable design approach.
- Conception (CPT)
- The Design (CPT) course trains engineers capable of coordinating the design of complex mechanical systems, choosing the appropriate materials, sizing and integrating the various components as well as validating the functions of these systems.
- Données et Fiabilité pour l'Industrie (DFI)
- The Data and Reliability for Industry (DFI) course provides the knowledge necessary to exploit massive data (products/processes) for understanding and solving the problems posed by industrial systems in design and production.
- Filière libre (LIBR)
- Production Intégrée et Logistique (PIL)
- The Integrated Production and Logistics (PIL) course trains engineers capable of industrializing manufactured products and designing/managing/piloting production systems and the related supply chain.
Majors open for Vocational academic programs ("licenses professionnelles") by apprenticeship
Apprenticeships will take place from September 01, 2024 to August 31, 2025
Maintenance of multi-technical systems
Programmes open for Master programs by apprenticeship
Apprenticeships will take place from September 01, 2024 to August 31, 2025
Elisabeth VAN HECKE
Telephone: 03 44 23 44 43
General skills:
- Ability to integrate into an organization, to animate it and to make it evolve: commitment and leadership, project management, project management, communication with specialists as well as non-specialists.
- Consideration of industrial, economic and professional issues: competitiveness, productivity, innovation, intellectual and industrial property, compliance with procedures, quality, safety, integration of sustainable development into innovative technologies.
- Ability to work in an international context: mastery of one or more foreign languages, security, economic intelligence, cultural openness, international experience. Respect for societal values: knowledge of social relations, environment and constantly adapting to new technologies and different projects.
- Ability to mobilize the resources of a wide field of fundamental sciences.
- Mastery of the methods and tools required in research and development: identification and resolution of problems, collection and interpretation of data, use of computer tools, analysis and design of complex systems, experimentation.
- Design the themes and methods of experimentation.
- Design and adapt the material to the research work.
- Interpret the results of experiments (analysis, trials, tests).
- Look for a theoretical explanation of the experimental facts.
- Write scientific publications (dissertations, scientific articles, etc.).
- Propose lines of research.
- Overall coordination and management of a study project.
- Constantly adapting to new technologies and different projects.
- Analyze and synthesize technical and organizational information.
- Comply with rigorous methodological processes.
- Monitor and supervise the production process, ensuring compliance with the specifications.
- Propose process and product improvements.
Programmes for Chemistry by apprenticeship major:
- Génie des produits formulés (GPF)
- Ability to mobilize theoretical knowledge of the physico-chemistry of dispersed media, namely to characterize each of the elements of a formula and to choose the processes for developing the formulated products.
- Ability to formulate innovative products to give them the desired usage properties.
- Ability to determine application technologies suitable for formulated products.
- Ability to apply this knowledge to the valorization of biomolecules from agro-resources
General skills:
- Understand your work environment
Monitor, analyze and interpret in a coherent manner the needs, the socio-economic, scientific and societal issues and the interactions between actors, knowledge, technologies and organizations in the health sector
- Master the biomedical, technical, organizational or regulatory and normative systems
Define, validate, advise, implement and manage innovative, technological or organizational systems through technological, normative and competitive monitoring and the implementation of best practices from the state of the art; Design, define, validate, advise, implement, write, audit and manage regulatory compliance programs on the life cycle of medical devices, combining continuous improvement, innovation and risk management
- Manage a team, lead a project
Lead and motivate a team, manage a budget, plan and prioritize actions, contribute to decision-making processes and communicate both at the institutional level and via intercultural, interdisciplinary, intergenerational and international networks. Plan and allocate human, financial and technical resources to achieve previously defined objectives in a constrained environment.
- Communicate, mobilize and convince on innovative results and practices
Communicate on scientific, technological or organizational innovations in terms of efficiency, performance or economy; contribute to the development and continuous improvement of knowledge and practices; contribute to technological and organizational innovation in a dynamic of ethical and ecological responsibility in the service of users of health technologies and in particular for the quality and safety of care delivered to patients; be able to guide the management of a company towards the right strategic decisions.
Programmes for Health engineering by apprenticeship major:
- Dispositifs médicaux et affaires réglementaires (DMAR)
- Interpret and respond to regulatory requirements and changes for the marketing of medical devices by integrating the actors and institutions involved in the decision-making processes
- Define, implement and evaluate the quality policy and risk management;
- Manage and evaluate compliance control and continuous improvement programs throughout the life cycle of medical devices (MD), with a view to their approval, certification or CE marking.
- Technologies biomédicales et territoires de santé (TBTS)
- Understand the transformations of the complex ecosystem linked to health and integrate the different links between technologies and organizations by taking into account the social and environmental dimensions.
- Mobilize their knowledge to understand a technical problem, appropriate a technology or carry out a complex study, then propose technical and organizational solutions that are adapted and/or innovative in compliance with the regulations;
- Facilitate the introduction and appropriation of new health technologies by promoting the dynamics of interaction, creativity, cooperation and continuous improvement and by being attentive to feedback from users and the development of good practices .